16 Effective Ways to Prevent an Anxiety Attack Fast

Anxiety attacks can be downright unpleasant, leaving you feeling like you're on a roller coaster ride you never wanted to be on. But fear not! In this blog post, we'll explore 15 fun and effective ways to put the brakes on anxiety attacks and get back to feeling like your fabulous self. By incorporating these techniques into your coping toolkit, you can regain control of your mind and body when anxiety strikes.

  1. Deep Breathing

Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and imagine you're in a beautiful meadow,

surrounded by fluffy bunnies and dancing unicorns. Okay, maybe not the unicorns, but the bunnies are definitely there! Deep breathing is a tried-and-true technique for calming anxiety attacks. Inhale deeply through your nose, counting to four, and then exhale through your mouth, counting to six. Picture the tension leaving your body with each exhale, and feel the relaxation settling in. Breathe in serenity and exhale all those anxious thoughts. It's like sending a memo to your brain saying, "Chill out!"

  1. Laughter

Laughter truly is the best medicine, and it works wonders for anxiety attacks. Find something that tickles your funny bone—be it a hilarious sitcom, a stand-up comedy special, or even a funny cat video. Allow yourself to indulge in a good, hearty laugh. Laughing not only distracts you from anxious thoughts but also triggers the release of feel-good hormones that counteract stress. Remember, there's no such thing as a "bad joke" when it comes to fighting anxiety. So, let the giggles roll and watch your worries dissolve!


  1. Getting Creative

Who said colouring books were just for kids? Grab a colouring book and a set of vibrant markers or coloured pencils, and let your inner artist shine. Colouring has a calming effect on the mind and allows you to focus on the present moment. As you fill in the intricate patterns or bring characters to life on the page, feel the tension melt away. Choose colours that resonate with positivity and tranquility. Let your worries fade as you transform black and white outlines into vibrant works of art. The best part? You don't have to stay within the lines—this is your masterpiece, after all!

  1. Mindful Meditation

Meditation is like a mini vacation for your mind, and it's an excellent tool for combatting anxiety attacks. Find a quiet spot where you can sit comfortably and

close your eyes. Focus your attention on your breath, let go of any distracting thoughts. As you inhale and exhale, imagine each breath as a wave of calm washing over you, soothing away your anxiety. Allow your mind to wander and explore peaceful landscapes or imagine yourself in your favourite serene place. With each breath, you're letting go of tension and embracing a state of deep relaxation.

  1. Journaling

Writing can be a cathartic and empowering process. During an anxiety attack, grab a pen and paper and start journaling your worries away. Write down everything that comes to mind, allowing your thoughts to flow freely. This act of transferring your anxious thoughts onto paper can help create a sense of distance and perspective. Additionally, journaling enables self-reflection and allows you to identify recurring patterns or triggers that contribute to your anxiety. Remember, your journal is a judgment-free zone where you can express your emotions honestly and gain clarity along the way.

  1. Bubble Wrap Therapy

Who doesn't love the satisfying pop of bubble wrap? Next time you feel anxiety creeping in, grab a sheet of bubble wrap and start popping away. The physical act of pressing the bubbles and hearing the sound can be incredibly therapeutic and divert your attention from anxious thoughts. Plus, it's just plain fun!

  1. Using Essential Oils

Certain scents can have a profound impact on our mood and emotions. Essential oils like lavender, chamomile, and lemon are known for their calming properties. Keep a small bottle of your favourite anxiety-relieving essential oil handy and take a whiff whenever you feel an attack coming on. Close your eyes, inhale deeply, and let the soothing aroma transport you to a state of tranquility.

  1. Getting Active

When anxiety comes knocking, it's time to go on a wall! Put on your comfiest shoes, head out into nature, and reconnect with the great outdoors. Breathe in the fresh air, soak in the beauty of your surroundings, and let Mother Nature work her magic. The combination of physical activity, natural scenery, and a change of scenery can do wonders for calming your mind and easing those anxious thoughts.

  1. Light a Candle

Lighting candles isn't just for setting a cozy ambiance; it can actually help calm your nerves. Scientifically speaking, the soft flickering flame triggers a relaxation response in your brain. As you gaze at the gentle dance of light, your parasympathetic nervous system kicks in, reducing stress hormones and promoting a sense of tranquility. So, next time anxiety strikes, grab a candle from Essence No1, light it up with a magical touch, and let the calmness envelop you.

  1. Drown out the Noise with Music

Create a playlist of your favourite calming songs or tunes that make you feel empowered. Music has the incredible ability to transport us to a different state of mind. Put on your headphones, turn up the volume, and let the melodies sweep away your worries.

  1. Dance It Out

Shake your worries away with a little dance party for one! Put on your favourite

upbeat song, turn up the volume, and let your body move freely. Just let loose and have fun. Dancing releases endorphins, those magical chemicals that boost your mood and make you feel like you're on top of the world. Plus, who can stay anxious when they're busting out their best moves? So, whether you're into salsa, hip-hop, or interpretive dance, let the music guide you to anxiety-free bliss!

  1. Grounding Techniques

Grounding techniques help anchor your mind and body in the present moment, diverting your attention from anxiety-inducing thoughts. Try focusing on your immediate surroundings by identifying five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. Engaging your senses in this manner can provide a sense of stability and prevent your mind from spiralling into panic.

  1. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and then releasing each muscle group in your body to promote relaxation. Start from your toes and work your way up to your head, consciously tensing and relaxing each muscle group. This technique helps release physical tension and distracts your mind from anxious thoughts

  1. Positive Affirmations

Create a list of positive affirmations that resonate with you. Repeat them to yourself during an anxiety attack. Affirmations like "I am calm and in control" or "I can overcome this" can help shift your mindset and reduce anxiety.

  1. Distracting Yourself

Find activities that engage your mind and distract you from anxiety. This could include solving puzzles, reading a book, listening to music, or engaging in a hobby

you enjoy. By redirecting your focus, you can break the cycle of anxious thoughts.

  1. Seeking Support

Seeking support is crucial when dealing with anxiety attacks. You don't have to face it alone; reaching out to someone you trust can provide comfort and understanding during these challenging moments. Whether it's a close friend, a family member, or a therapist, sharing your experience and feelings can offer emotional relief and a fresh perspective.

Talking to someone you trust allows you to verbalise your fears and anxieties, helping to alleviate the burden you may be carrying. They can provide reassurance, guidance, and practical advice on how to cope with anxiety attacks. Often, simply expressing your emotions out loud can bring a sense of relief and help you regain control over your thoughts and feelings.

In situations where immediate support isn't readily available, consider joining online support groups or forums. These platforms provide a safe space for individuals to share their experiences, offer support, and connect with others who are going through similar challenges. Engaging in these communities can help combat feelings of isolation and provide a sense of belonging. 

While anxiety attacks can feel overwhelming, incorporating these strategies into your coping toolkit can help you regain control and alleviate the intensity of the experience. Remember, reaching out for support is crucial during an anxiety attack. Contact a trusted friend, family member, or therapist who can offer reassurance and guide you through the experience. Sometimes, just talking to someone can provide a significant sense of relief and perspective.

Lastly, it's important to acknowledge that everyone's journey with anxiety is unique. Finding the techniques that work best for you may take time and experimentation. Be patient with yourself, practice self-compassion, and don't hesitate to seek professional help if anxiety attacks persist or significantly impact your daily life. You deserve to live a life free from the grip of anxiety, and with these tools and support, you can take important steps towards finding peace and tranquility.